A new bag is on my wish list for back to school shopping and I'm being very indecisive about which one I want. I personally can't afford to buy every different type of bag for every situation, so this bag has to be versatile, and also represent me as well as my style. There's a lot of pressure on one bag, but I think choosing the right one is extremely important. I've had my eye on a couple but there are so many good options and it's hard to pick just one when there are a lot of different factors to think about, for example: do I want a crossbody bag or a tote, black or color, gold or silver accents, and so on. And I've now narrowed it down to these three choices:

This is a nice, basic Marc by Marc Jacobs and I'm a sucker for Marc Jacobs bags, I'm just not sure if I like so many gold accents.

This Cole Haan is more similar to the Marc by Marc Jacobs bag but this is a little more sophisticated, but it might be too formal for my purposes.